Notable Awards & Honors

Forbes 30 Under 30 in Science 2024

Payload’s inaugural Payload Pioneers, 2023

Expert panel on US GAO Report# 22-105166 (Large Constellations of Satellites: Mitigating Environmental and Other Effects), 2022

Serving on the International Academy of Astronautics’ Committee on Space Traffic Management, 2022 - Present

Forbes Next 1000 “‘Upstart Entrepreneurs’ Redefining the American Dream”, 2021

Hyperspace Summit Winner, 2nd place, 2021

NSF GRFP (Graduate Research Fellowship Program), 2016

Ronald E. McNair Scholar, 2015

Affiliations and History

Luminate Accelerator, 2022

NGA Accelerator Cohort 3, 2022

Hyperspace Challenge, 2021

Techstars Space Accelerator, 2021

MassChallenge Accelerator, 2020

NASA Academy, NASA Glenn Research Center Space Academy, 2016

Member and SSA Working Group Contributor, United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF)

Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Member, American Astronautical Society

Member, International Academy of Astronautics